Brian De Leon

Second hand ruins it.

Please no more iOS posts, you're going to piss off the Android guys.

The expectations haven't skyrocketed, we just expect what we got a few years ago.

This will be on DealExtreme for twenty cents soon.

Yeah because I fumble for light switches all the time every single day, even though they're all in the exact same place.

@Dacker: I was looking for a boat, or something Lincoln Park rapist related, I don't know if either was there.

Would have been better if it was all meme's and not music videos.

How many tubes of caulk does it hold?

It's pretty lame to have a six month old phone that won't have the latest software.

It's impressive, but at the same time this story is all over the news and I read one article that said the computer was comprised of ten racks of IBM servers. When they can make something the same (or similar) size as Jennings brain and still beat him, then I'll be really impressed.

@(Splat): I saw the video on Engadget and that's what it seemed to do, unfortunately he had the right answer each time.

Does he not answer if the probability of his answer being correct is below a certain percentage? Say 60-70%?

@centipedex: I don't know if it's cluttered or not but browsing on the iPad without tabs or user agent control blows donkey balls.

Now playing

If you have an iPad and use Sketchbook you NEED a stylus. I haven't used Penultimate but plan to shortly. I actually made one with stuff from the dollar store as seen here. PS don't fall asleep.

@thiagohf113: Oh, I thought it was aluminum, I've never heard of silver chrome.

Where's the chrome?

@bsonline001: Use one of the most popular games ever as an example of how this game isn't that great, lol.