Brian De Leon

When did it become too much work for police to apply for warrants? Take the GPS case: THEY WERE RIGHT, HE WAS SELLING POT. So why couldn't they have taken the same information that told them he was selling drugs to a Judge so they could get a warrant?

@EvanSei (lord of the gerbils): I tried that once, and the case that I put over the Invisishield would actually pull it off, so you have to make sure you get the right type, rubber is probably best.

Makes me think of that stupid soap dispenser you don't have to touch. What difference does it make if I'm going to wash my hands afterwards anyway?

@headc4se: Because maybe this will encourage the writer to write articles that aren't so damn boring.

@romevi04: I thought it was a boring article, but we are all entitled to an opinion.

Can someone wake me up when the article is over? Thanks. ZZZZZZZZZ....

I wouldn't call it ugly, but it does look like a phone we'd see in Terminator Salvation.

The day Apple finally announces an iPhone for another carrier the world will end.

@cassiebearRAWR: Yeah but you can just use Safari to browse the POWM website...

I'd love to work in the Apple App Store Approval Department. I figure it's basically a monkey (literally) with a coin in his hand that he flips, I just haven't figured out yet if it's a regular coin, or one like Harvey Dent has.

@DukeMagnum: I want to comment on #6. Once I found out about sites like Binsearch, which was a long time ago, I stopped downloading headers, it's the absolute worst way to find things.

6 times my ass, more like 12 times, maybe more.

@dethklokso: I agree except that humans will support physical media, and Skynet will support digital media.

That's how guys like this get to be broke.

I think the practical purpose is that you don't give up screen real estate for a keyboard.

Another site reported that another software fix is in the works that will fix the problem, I'll go with that, however implausible that may be.

About freakin time.