banjo cat ghost of oppo past

Hmm, that’s an interesting and irritable justification for conspicuous consumption. The wealth trickles down...

Sir, you are on Jalopnik, and Mr. Plow exists.

I saw Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton, the Cure, Grateful Dead, etc.
And they were all fantastic without too many semis worth of crap, but I also love a Circus, and that’s basically what they’re talking about, a traveling Circus, like Cirque, with a singer attached.
I’mma support it.
MultiMedia experiences take

I’ve watched and enjoyed his channel. It’s clean family viewing.

*Blackjack dealer shows an Ace*

Step 1: tow things on camera.
Step 2: put the footage on an absurdly popular YouTube channel.
Step 3: commit insurance fraud on the same job.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: profit....?

People who are in unions making farm equipment; Lazy socialist union workers!

This is all kinds of weird.

I can hear the rattles and squeaks through my screen.

A neighbor acquired one of these a few years back at an attractive price. It looked really nice, great condition, no signs of rust. Underneath though, every brake and fluid line was corroding because they were laid out in a way that trapped debris and moisture. It was a case of solve one problem just for another to

If Acura had said they were introducing a new small, sporty sedan I don’t think you would be reading most of the blowback that’s erupted around this car. But they are calling it an Integra which has a lot of emotional history to it. It’s not an Integra. An Integra/RSX was a two-door/coupe (mostly).  There was a

“On the next episode of YEETBros™️…”

way to make excuses for a toxic bully of a man.

Thank you. A person’s death is an opportunity to examine their legacy, and the part of this guy’s legacy that actually matters is “piece of shit.”

Especially if you get the G-wagen conversion kit.

If you’re buying cars by the pound, sure.

You put in on the grams though right?

This is neither here nor there, but this video reminds me of the time I had to film this same kind of drill from inside a helicopter. The pilot had to fake a medical emergency midair and become unresponsive. The Pilot and I knew what was going on, but the flight crew (air med) didn’t and it was a test to see how they

At least where I’ve lived, those things are only parked next to tornado magnets.