banjo cat ghost of oppo past

The heart and soul of a Ferrari and most Italian cars is the engine. This is just gross and on par with a Fiero with a Ferrari body kit. Actually, I’d prefer an MR2 with a body kit over this.

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The workmanship is certainly impressive. But after seeing the Wizard work on his 308, it bums me out that they’re taking one of the few reliable/easy to work on mid engined Ferraris to do this. You can do the clutch without pulling the engine OR transmission

They do seem allergic to interesting designs at that level. And that reminds me, I had to have my old Pilot in for a 2-week repair a few years ago (got run off the road by someone illegally passing and did some impressive combat driving while in the ditch) and seeing the GM rentals available made me glad I opted for

Is the GM 3.6 V6 no longer a piece of crap? That’s historically been the main reason to avoid the Traverse and any of its Lambda cousins. 

Fortunately, I haven’t noticed the UI all that much since I’m ride-or-die with CarPlay. I think my uncle just bought a Traverse (he was going to buy a Forester but frankly that surprised me because I don’t think he’s only owned GM and Ford products since I’ve been alive) so I might be able to check one out. My

The Traverse is good. I haven’t driven the new Pilot but I sat in it at the NY auto show and I would definitely still choose the Traverse over it. The seats are way more comfortable and the layout is a lot more user-friendly than the wacky UI in the Pilot. The one knock on the Traverse is the suspension is tuned much

Oof. It hurts my heart to see that the new Pilot ($36,300 starting MSRP) is not on the list but the Chevy Freaking Traverse is.

Does this count??? (at least it’s a $0 option)

Ike Turner was always a piece of crap. After the divorce, he did all he could to kill er career, and he did until Private Dancer hit the charts.  He tried to make his own comeback, but nobody bought his music.  He was long forgotten by then, and rightfully so.

“Built for comfort, not for speed” was a common descriptor for the more zaftig women of the ‘80s.

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The acid queen is dead. Long live the acid queen.

TIL Mark Knopfler wrote Private Dancer.  Checks out, actually.

Can we please stop raising the hood 

Can’t wait to see the Trailhunter join all the other overlanders in the Whole Foods parking lot.

I see one odd one-night stand between a Ferrari and Firebird, and raise you an odd one-night stand between a Ferrari and a Wagoneer! Although, technically it’s a two-off, as the engine was later moved from a ‘69 Wagoneer to a ‘77 Wagoneer (the second one retained the stock body work).

What if a 1971 Pontiac Firebird and a Ferrari Daytona had a baby? It’s an insane question, but GM came up with this answer:

This looks like a normal Ford Tempo, right? One of the most dull, adequate, unmemorable cars ever? Like, not even a lumbering outlandish harvest gold on avacado green velour Malaise era beast, no, just the bland comedown from too much Brougham.

The Sir Vival, currently undergoing restoration at the Lane Museum in Nashville.

Some of the recent one-off Ferraris just look really off lately. They take an already good looking base and throw odd parts onto them to make them different. The last one is by far the worst. 

Unlike movie trailers, I like to leave the funniest lines for the people who actually watch the video.