That imperative “APOLOGIZE!” and the end of Drumpf’s tweet just makes me want to scream: “FUCK YOU YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD!” then slam the door to my bedroom.
That imperative “APOLOGIZE!” and the end of Drumpf’s tweet just makes me want to scream: “FUCK YOU YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD!” then slam the door to my bedroom.
Oh HELL no. Good for you standing up to him, the jerk. Along the same vein I was downstairs the other day getting coffee and a guy who works in my building was standing next to me and noticed the safety pin on my shirt. Our only interaction up to that point had been nods in the lobby, etc. He smirked and said, “Oh…
So if they were playing a Jewish school and had a sign that said “get ready for a second Holocaust”, would you commend them for that?
If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. That’s like going on Twitter on a Sunday night and complaining about Game of Thrones spoilers.
Twenty bucks says this does more damage to Billy Bush than to Trump.
unless there is independant video footage backing up what the cops say, I just do not believe them.
I sometimes take solo road trips with my dog and I’m always worried someone will break her out of my car when I run in somewhere to pick up food or go to the bathroom. If it’s even a little warm, I leave her in with the windows up and the AC on, and it’s always for a short time, but even so, I’ve come out to see…
Ok, let’s play the Balance Game.
But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.
Yes, I don’t understand why, if they accept that she’s a woman, she can’t be transferred to Miramar (the military prison for women).
Since Manning is being given hormones anyways, wouldn’t all of this be resolved by sending her to a women’s military prison?
We all know that’s not as disrespectful as quietly sitting down during the national anthem. Geez.
I watched the video, but I did not stand when the anthem came on. I wonder how many people watching the game on TV were saying “look at that asshole sitting through the anthem” while sitting on their couch or at the bar.
I wish men would stop saying this. We don’t have value because of our relationships with men - we are people with worth no matter whether we’re related to you or not. Instead of thinking, “what if this happened to my wife/sister/mother/daughter” try thinking “what if this happened to me.” Because that is what we think…
What’s worse is that he seems to think that means he is owed something.
There is a rule that the attorney’s fees have to be reasonable. The judge must have found that the fees were consistent with the fair market price.
I was just reading some comments about the Depp/Heard story on other sites and I’ve concluded that a video could emerge of Johnny Depp repeatedly punching Amber Heard in the face, and the internet would still declare her to be a gold digger who deserved it.
So fucking depressing.
Her attempts to elide the queerness of most of the dead (and thus why they were targeted) by insisting that the dead were merely “Floridians” and “human beings” was maddening. Oh, so LBTQ people are sex deviants when they want to marry, and child molesters when they want to use a bathroom, but it takes dying to be…