it was the Pre-season NIT tourney. The one where there is actually good teams involved. Either way i agree that Katz is an idiot.
it was the Pre-season NIT tourney. The one where there is actually good teams involved. Either way i agree that Katz is an idiot.
Tyson Chandler seems like he could be a bit higher on that list.
Fuck Duke. the whole shooting thing is a bit over the top, but i get your point.
What's the Percentage of "normal" non-football players, having cognitive impairment? Based on my involvement with humans, I'd predict that to be around 40% as well.
well, with that in mind Chicago will never get a super bowl. which is reassuring. Not only would your spit freeze, but your piss would form into an ice sickle as its coming out.
I agree to some extent, but that is an old cliche. You cant honestly say that horrible weather doesnt have an effect on the game. Even the best of the best struggle in sub freezing temperatures. Those weather conditions are fine for the Championship games, but for the biggest game of the year with the best teams,…
In Chicago its 4 fucking degrees. Now that would be a horrible super bowl. Hopefully this is a one time experiment. I don't want to see a 3-0 Super Bowl that is decided by weather elements.
A big mac has never sounded so good.
im skeptical of this chart. I didnt think the vikings had fans outside of Minnesota let alone 4 states worth.
I feel like the whole thing about him murdering people, was swept under the carpet for the last 10 years or so. Why has it been such a huge topic this season? Everyone suddenly remember that he was the dude that killed a couple people?
I am fine shopping by myself, but when my wife insists i must go with her, it must be the closest thing to hell on earth. Really, do we need to go down every isle? We always just end up buying frozen meals and bread anyway.
Its pisses me off that 'Watch ESPN' cant be subscribed to with out a cable subscription. Its complete bullshit. I recently cut the cord on my Pay TV and its tough (except the $90 bucks i save a month.) But if i want to watch a game bad enough its usually on the web somewhere.
He DID skype and tried see her in person. I dont know what to believe and dont really care. the whole thing is fucked up regardless of what really happened. but according to the story he tried those things. So take that, for what its worth.
I could never pin point why the hell she was so annoying when she came on the screen. But you seemed to sum it up well, i also think the blazing red hair factored in.
most of Michigan is worthless, seriously have to be some of the worst drivers in the world.
You would think since Deadspin is celebrating national Te'o Hoax day that they would have been on this story. Its so 4 hours old. Profootballtalk is all over the tweets.
So what did Te'o do with the Game Ball that coach gave him in Honor of the fake girl?
Goshen News says she was 21.
There is a 9/11 Hoax video, saying it was all the governments doing, out there floating around as well. you can manipulate shit anyway you want. People are idiots.
I agree with all of that. whether it is just a little lie or a big big big lie, It really seems to be a fucked up situation that is now alittle over blown. Did Notre Dame really need a 40 press conference? Jesus, thats all that was on my local stations last night.