
at least he's still really good at football.

Retard is also a censored word on ESPN.

I can guarantee no one will ever say "Bestest Games Evers." You are an idiot.

sounds jealous.

sounds jealous.

sounds jealous.

sounds jealous.

The was sick. Its not traveling. Refs would never call that.

Im really suprised ND is not getting any love. you would think with -9.5 pts more people would be pulling for them. Theres no way Bama covers that shit.

Solider Field is also a poor excuse for a NFL field. Something should be done.


titans have 2 in the top 15. i find that surprising. its dreadful to watch any of the titans games regardless of the outcome.

How much did she have to pay in taxes before you could take the shit home?

Yeah, not sure why you have to discredit Te'o. He's a beast. He's improved his overall game a ton by deciding to come back to school for this last season, and it will show at the next level too. Kuechly is damn good, but lets not compare and bash on Te'o till we see what kind of NFL player he is.

i agree that cold weather games should all be at 1, but during early fall or games played in domes should be considered to be later in the day. Its a bit ridiculous that they cant spread that shit out alittle bit more.

Rome is such a Dbag who would wannabe him or listen to him for that matter. "i am out"

I've been working on a joke about super hot chicken nuggets for years. still have yet to release that shit

your an idiot.

The game was on NBCsports network when the prez was on

does it matter where Tim Tebow goes? He's a 3rd string QB it doesnt matter.