
d’oh, now i remember, my bad

I’ve not played the “Journey of the Prairie King” quest yet, but that point above sounds awfully close.

Wow I’m jealous. Are you using a gamepad? or m/k?

So, what will Kotaku do? The irony between your dilemma and your profession is kind of glaring, right? I’m not saying don’t write the posts, but would Kotaku consider not spoiling the plot points with posts’ titles and front page images, so us bookworms can cruise right by without looking?

What games/software have you been enjoying the most on Gear VR?

Well, the PC world isn’t that old, and it was built on stealing, on both the professional side and the hobbyist side of things. In fact, it just might be one of the Grand Traditions of personal computing. Being able to protect your software in a practical way is a pretty new concept.

I know they make prescription lenses for mounting in ski goggles, perhaps someone will mod these headsets to accept them.

Only time will tell, right? With heavy hitters like Valve backing it, who knows where it will go from here. I must say, Elite: D sounds like a great “hardcore” experience that’s ready to go right now.

That’s a good point. Everyone uses and likes the StreetView function of GMaps, it’s very natural and intuitive, and that’s essentially a first step into this kind of immersion. They’re giving away GearVR sets with S’sung phones these days, and one of the first things my buddy loaded up as a demo is StreetView, it

Sigh... I wish Sir Beefychu was here to post some gifs...

Yeah, website design in the eighties was ridiculous. How far we’ve come...

I really don’t understand this situation at all, but that’s probably because I don’t play competitive games much. Isn’t it a standard rule in all of video games that if an opponent drops out for any reason, they lose the round? How could it be any other way? Bad connection, tough luck, right?

Super encouraging Direct! Nintendo is pushing updates and new content, bringing some lesser known franchises west, and the big news for me, new Monster Hunter!