Brews Springsteen

Hey. My laundry’s finally done. Just wanted to say “fuck off” before I went to bed.
Fuck off!

The sad thing is...from your perspective we probably are. I bet you don’t often have humans interact with you this long since you’re an insufferable prick.

Point to one instance of “reverse racism” that passes the definition that came from the dictionary the Supreme Court refers to.
If you’re sooooooo much smarter than me, surely you will have an actual answer and wont:

You gotta mix it up. When you dismiss everyone as a “hottake” it kinda loses the punch.

Aww, he’s literally responding to every comment because his life is so empty. many hours did you spend on kinja tonight? Your friends and family must be sick of having you around.

It couldn’t be that you’re commenting back to everyone like a troll and cant keep track of all the shitty comments your making.
Nah, it’s gotta be kinja’s fault. Couldn’t be user error.

Btw, it’s called Black’s Law Dictionary. But don’t worry, Black is a guy. And he’s white, so you can trust him.

I read enough of your comments to know you were worthy of being trolled.

Stewart basically trotted out the standard “blue lives matter” in response to “black lives matter”. The ways in which this sentiment is racist have been outlined by many, many people over the last couple months.

It’s seems you guys really KKKlick.

Why do you pity me. I’m not a racist living in a country that despite its faults is continually moving in the anti-racist direction.
If you think life is tough now...just wait 5, 10 years. Everyone will see you for the white supremacist douche you are.

So...maybe you could start.

Join reality. Reverse racism doesn’t exist.

I feel like if people cared about racism (as you’re pretending to) and were paying even a TINY amount of attention to this ongoing national issue...that they would understand the “I fucking love cops” response to “maybe the state could stop killing black people for no reason” is dismissive of the problem.
What word

So how do you square supporting Stewart and nuanced conversation?

I don’t think Stewart is responsible.

This is a convincing argument.

Me, personally... When someone calls me an absurd name I don’t care. It’s when they call me something that might be true that triggers the “must defend myself at all costs” reaction.
When someone called me a Trump supporter the other day...I wasn’t phased. I know I’m not. And anyone who has talked with me for 2 minutes

Racism is the systems that enact prejudices.
Unless you can show a way that white people are oppressed by black people...then, no, black folks can’t be racist.
They can be bigots. They can be prejudiced.