I feel like they really missed their chance with the naming. It could’ve been “MAGA Klassic Kar Kruise” to really round it out and embrace the culture.
I feel like they really missed their chance with the naming. It could’ve been “MAGA Klassic Kar Kruise” to really round it out and embrace the culture.
Man, say what you want but Boomers know how to party like there’s no tomorrow
Some people will take the engagement and enjoyment of diving over .2 sec to 60. I will, every time.
What that seems to demonstrate is the regulatory “burden” is zero - considering they appear to have put jack stands under the frame of the blue truck so it doesn’t even squat under the load.
Somebody let grandpa on the computer again.
Trump is probably the biggest problem facing our country at the moment. A completely unqualified imbecile destroying vast swaths of the economy with his moronic tariffs while trying his best to start world war 3. His sole claim to fame is he rode Obama’s economy for 3 years.
You knock it off David Tracy! You’re going to make these popular and pricier for those of us who were already aware of how great they are!
The same party that didn’t let a Democratic president nominate a Supreme Court justice in February because of an election in November (“Let the people decide!”) now wants to rush through sweeping legislation after the people have indeed decided.
50% of the time, it works every time.
The Odyssey and Pilot and Ridgeline and MDX are all essentially the same chassis, sharing mostly the same engine and transmissions. You just have to pick the one you like and go with it.
I think these are all good sensible changes to the Odyssey Active X crossover.
america works just like a car... you put it in (D) to go forward and (R) to go backwards...
I have an ‘17 Si and a ‘10 CRV and I the CRV has a volume knob I never use or touch.
Automatics are Bud Light. It’s technically beer, but its sole purpose is to be accessible to people who don’t like beer.
“Republicans: We believe in _________.*”
Republicans - “We believe in states rights.*”