brewfan19_version 2.0

YES!!!! Jasoo delivers!

Thank you for your service.

The world needs to know where TNG ranks on your Star Trek list before the end!

Yes! I almost forgot.

The last….

Is it getting dusty in here?

My only regret is that we didn't get one last Ancient Aliens post before the end.

Also, lets give a special shout out to Devil's Ebb Jessica Hinch(?). The future savior! Will Kinja mean the release of so many imaginary political prisoners?



How so?

No joke. Jasoo (T.O.S violation!). Do you have one last Ancient Aliens or Oak Island post for us as we stare down oblivion?

True story.

I bet there are many sides to this story. MANY SIDES!


That was very Maverick like of Corker.


War with GYEEEENA? Then what slave labor will make all that tacky Trump merch?

There is a lot of winning from many sides, many sides.