
John Madden is one of the few people in sports that I can honestly no one disliked. Not a fan, player or colleague. I highly recommend watching the documentary that aired on Christmas Day “All Madden.” Truly fascinating. Forget the color commentator and video games, the man was one hell of a coach. I mean he went

Its from the movie Stand By Me.

Playing sports is fun. Going to games with friends is fun. Being the fan of a team that’s doing well is fun and can actually help build community. Just because it’s not curing cancer doesn’t mean it’s stupid.

Yup, texture is going to be big problem for fake meats. It’s going to hard to replicate the protein strands found in the muscles of animals. I wasn’t a fan of the Beyond Meat tacos I had. The smell was off-putting.

these kinds of comments rule. just a dude who read an entire review of a movie through gritted teeth, furious.

Think of how much closer fascism got in the time it took you to comment. Maybe fascism is your fault.

In our commitment to abolition, we can never believe police

“I guess you could say... this barely qualifies as news”

Will Tessica Brown ever leave her hair (or us) alone?

I’m glad the Root’s tone on the coverage of this dipshit has shifted from “let’s give this person the kind of empathy and compassion we’d extend to someone suffering from terminal illness” to “uh...I think this person might be both a moron and a grifter.”

This whole site is basically that teenage cousin that thinks everything is new because they just found out about it and immediately has a negative opinion on it because being happy about cheesy Christmas décor is lame.

I wouldn't say the sentences for child pornography are "incredibly harsh." Punishment should fit the crime. If you look at child pornography, you rape a child by proxy. Perverts who watch child pornography are the ones creating a demand for it. If you harm a child, especially sexually, you should go away forever where

Yes! Jesus fucking Christ!

Slow news day or this blog is finally dead?

OBJ will show again why he’s special.”

(Insert Thor “Will he, though?” GIF)


(Insert Thor “Is he, though?” GIF)

When are these grown ass men gonna tell their fathers to stop acting like little league dad’s ? This is something the players and coaches of the Browns should be working out and while I don’t understand why any team would acquire someone as expensive and talented as Odell Beckham and not feature him in their game

“We pray that this is all a big misunderstanding. He sees the judge today,” said Fetty’s attorney, Navarro Gray, on Friday

God I loved that show. Tried re-watching recently doesn’t quite hold up.

Except Hardin can shoot and is an asset to your team.  

username/comment synergy checks out