One can only hope that the trail of who really killed Ron and Nicole, didn’t go cold, while Simpson was serving his sentence.
One can only hope that the trail of who really killed Ron and Nicole, didn’t go cold, while Simpson was serving his sentence.
Unless they are interviewing a Sexual Assault victim, or a minor who has been assaulted, they should remain on.
I think this should be a thing.
How is this not the top comment?
He helped cover up a murder. Needless to say, I don’t think he ever had a backbone .
Paxton is the charming one right?
Well, if many of the posts on Packer threads are to be believed, there may be some gaps in that holding of the arms.
I would honestly be comfortable putting it at number 1.
With Lester and Lackey in the same clubhouse, that must just be the happiest fucking place on Earth.
Some people in this state would shank someone to get one of those certificates.
Easily the dumbest fucking play I have witnessed, watching a game.
Try being a Bears fan, and having had to witness the completely stupid, inexcusable shit Marcus Cooper just pulled.
Maybe he, like everybody else, simply stopped watching this team 2 months ago.
The best manager of all time.
Would be more entertaining than a Dead cast.
Has anyone checked to see if he is near any bodies of water in Delaware?
Should Brock Turner be allowed redemption? No. Absolutely not.
+1 Ted Cruz Twitter like.
For 72 years old, he still takes some pretty brutal bumps.
We have invaded privacy, curbed freedoms, encouraged shameful profiling, and murdered hundreds of thousands who had nothing to do with what happened.