Yeah, that is one of the more unbelievably fucked up parts.
The program should have gotten the death penalty.
Many unions are awful. Police unions are they absolute worst.
Just his arm.
If I am Elliot, if the suspension isn’t completely overturned, I continue fighting.
Will be curious if Vince McMahon will offer him a contract.
Teddy Roosevelt would fuck everyone up.
That exchange rate, is worse than I knew.
I said prospect. Not certainty.
As a Milwaukeean, and. Bucks fan, I would be 100% okay with the Bucks pulling him from those games.
The players should simply counter, by changing their attacks to written word.
Maybe kind of shitty?
Reaper must not know that Flair is the “Dirtiest player in the game”. As soon as he goes to collect, Flair will nail the forearm to the groin, slap on the figure four, and walk away with Mrs. Death on his arm.
Forcing people to stand for the anthem (or pledge of allegiance), is absolutely unamerican.
As a Wisconsinite, and admittedly a beer snob, Milwaukee’s Best Light, makes some pretty kick ass beer brats. If you don’t feel like shelling out the extra money for the Hipster, price inflated Pabst.
Explains the interest in Rose. Kyrie wants out before the Cavs ship hits it’s next iceberg.
Unfortunately, because people are assholes. Look at the very first comment. Apparently Jezebel shouldn’t be publishing blogs about a woman getting what she had long been hoping for.
Time for The Call of Cthulhu. He’s the groundskeeper.
After I wipe it down, I put it on a burner to evaporate any excess moisture. Once it cools, I rub down with a little bit of Olive Oil.