Now playing

The angry white guy makes this seems relevant.

I wonder how much I was scammed as a kid when the original card series came out.

I came to this comment section specifically for this discussion. I’ve looked at this for a few minutes now, and I still cannot tell what the fuck I’m looking at. I agree that the club head, and where he is looking and the bend in his leg look like a really bad and unathletic backswing. But his hands are upside and

I know, I know. Everything on this list is wrong. Frank’s Brother is the worst episode.

BREAKING: Outsider Who Will Not Examine Actual Facts Thinks Back-Breaking Stadium Deal Was Great For City He Doesn’t Live In

Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.

It’s extra insulting because they’re actually based in Vancouver, WA.

The match was fixed? I dunno, those defenders looked pretty broken.

Simple solution: turn to one of your most prominent citizens for electricity.

Griffin hopes this will silence the doubters who said he would never have more than one goodyear.