
Ohhhh no you didn't.

I know the Audi's with LED's do that, I just thought it was a visibility thing.

Tomorrow's question of the day; "What trite issue will Jason Torchinsky get up in arms about next?"

I agree, I'm still in love with my EVO, but its a little past it's prime... For now I think I'll root it and throw ICS on it to hold me over.

John Pearly Huffman trolling for web traffic. I pray, PRAY, that he responds to this retort. I only counted 3 cars available on the market currently; and one is a lame duck anyway.

I recall Car and Driver took a Fuego ice racing, and tires were nearly impossible to find. Also, the original turbo self destructed. I think they took an XT6 as well. I'd drive either.

The car gods giveth (GT86/BRZ), and the car gods taketh away.... At least they (Honda) are kind of trying to inject some performance into the lineup.

Save the IROC-Z's!

HTC Evo 4G, score of 200. Damn you, Dan Hesse.

I always told myself I wouldn't have a car payment; I've always driven 10+ year old cars as a result. But dammit, the hype for this thing sucked me in, and now I want one.

And have you driven either car yet? Back to back? yeah, thats what I thought. While I agree the hype machine was a bit overkill for this thing, I for one am glad we're seeing something non beige from Toyota. We'll find out how it drives soon enough.

Exactly. The "retro" design of these cars doesn't always lend itself to great aerodynamics. I'm not a Mustang hater by any means, but engineering a $20K car to go that much faster than the car it's based on must result in some concessions.

I wonder what the drag coefficient/frontal area is like on that thing? This brings to mind the top speed tests R&T used to do; and the scary high speed dynamics/hood flutter that would sometimes result from cars going faster than they were designed to.

How dare he, I love lugging my T2i around. Although I rarely shoot video...

Exactly. I've made a bit of a game out of how few rpm's I can engage the clutch with and not stall.

Why thank you, good sir. I am forever indebted.

I concur. My girlfriend and I are done with this state... Moving once she's done with her bachelors.

I'm on Maxima #2, very few issues other than regular maintenance items. My family's B5 A4 was nothing but a headache...

How long until we see one "stanced" or "hella-flush"?

yes! i was JUST playing this.