with Neal H. Moritz, best known for the Fast and Furious franchise, producing at Paramount.
with Neal H. Moritz, best known for the Fast and Furious franchise, producing at Paramount.
Hey, your comment writing sucks! Is someone paying you to write this shite? How does it feel to be a paid shill? Lol, but seriously man, you have waaay to much time on your hands lol
This flack you're getting ain't right. The writing is fine, don't let them discourage you, I enjoy your articles. The real ? is how do these people have all this time to write negativity to you and everyone else who likes your shit?
When did they make a sequel to Pitch Black? That was hands down the best Riddick movie.
This is the best comment I’ve ever seen on Io9, period. I look forward to your future comments!
I hope there is a scene where Hawkeye is on the Jeremy Renner app and watching porn on his tablet at the same time.
Man, all he needs is Martin Lawrence, a sentient robot, and an Orc as his supporting cast and he’s all set on a new original story, right?
If this was an Earther article it would be climate change, not the volcano.
PREACH!!! Adulting and long RPG games don’t really mix to well, especially if you work a job that requires 10-12 hour shifts like mine. I used to pour anywhere from 60-100+ hours in those games in a couple weeks back in the day. Now I can barely get 20 hours in the span of a few months. Little Brett is shaking his…
For me it was Burton’s Batman, but even that isn’t officially acknowledged, it’s one of many, like Animated Series or Gotham too. What I’m really talking about is the in depth, emotional, play-by-play origin. Trauma, heartbreak, hardship, I don’t need or want to know what made Joker how he is, that takes all the fun…
...Some of the film is about the working-class rising up against the upper class. Some of it is about abuse and its impact on mental development. Other parts are about bullying, gun control, the news media, really, almost any and everything...
Ain't nobody got time for that!;)
The original was about climate change too, the skeksis were doing the same exact thing they were doing in this one, sucking the crystal and land dry for their own benefit. If anything you see the effects of that more in the original.
Nowadays everybody wanna talk, like they got something to say, but nothing comes out when they move they lips, just a bunch of gibberish, why the fuck is that? ‘Cuz they forgot about Gilgamesh!
If it's not Kit Harrington then I will be let down.
Agreed, she looks terrible. There for a second I thought they were trying to edit out a huge mustache on her face.
I believe they called them Grey Jedi, or maybe Dark Jedi. I think the term is interchangeable.
True, but in vanquishing the emperor, how many children did he save?