Brett Martinson

People who are proud to have never experienced something weird me out. I just don't understand why you feel the need to comment if your sentence starts with something like "Now, I don't know what I'm talking about, but…". Seriously, two hours isn't too much to ask for if you want to have an opinion on something.

I've got that rap track, Doc Jay and DJ Dreidel. How many Wesley Willis CDs will you send me to not post it on youtube?

Heh heh. I would kill for a full-color glossy coffee table book of all of those original Empire and Full Moon covers. That kind of neon-Drew-Struzen-lite really does it for me.
Both the Decapitron name and design made it into Puppet Master 4 and 5, as Toulon's unfinished puppet. Never let an idea go to waste. The

I'll add to your thread to spill the deets on PulsePounders.
The Evil Clergyman is the Lovecraft adaptation with Combs and Crampton. It also has Re-Animator's David Gale and a fun David Warner bit. You can pick up the DVD for like 5 bucks, totally worth it.
Trancers: City of Angels came next. It has the full cast

The big twistola at the end of Medusa's Coil was "She was a negress." Seriously, the story ends on that sentence like we should all make the connection between black person hair and evil magic.

Same goes for women, though, as well. The only well defined female character is from Thing On The Doorstep, and she (spoilers, I guess) turns out to be her father inhabiting her body. And he's pissed that he didn't have a boy to inhabit because women are so weak.
When you examine Lovecraft's racism, misogyny,

"No one listened to Green Day except my mom". Yeah, I call bullshit. Dookie came out when I was in junior high and EVERYBODY listened to them. They had pretty big hits regularly on the next few albums. There's no way a suburb in California totally missed the boat on this one.

I've been hearing about this D4/Green Day plagiarism thing ever since Cracked had an article about it and I'm kinda sick of it. I listened to Midwestern Songs hundreds of times before I read that, but it made me double think what I had been listening to the whole time. Thing is, those are different notes played at a

I just saw Tourist Trap for the first time last year and I was shocked that I'd somehow gotten through the video store days without seeing that little gem. Bizarre and unsettling is right. He was also behind the Klaus Kinski classic CRAWLSPACE and the pretty unnerving CATACOMBS. I'd say, if there's any director

The dude who directed Tourist Trap directed the first Puppet Master as well. The dude who directed the second Puppet Master did all the great stop motion for Full Moon and Empire. And the dude who directed the third Puppet Master did a bunch of softcore gay werewolf movies and that cat movie the Flop House guys love

Maybe they're skipping it because con presentations have a zero-to-negligible effect on box office.

I'm just hoping the bonus track is about listing fruits mentioned on Lost or how Ben and Locke are frenemies…

Shit, you got that in before me. I'll go to bat for the "lesser" Boingo. The late period albums (Boi-Ngo and Dark at the End) kinda lost the manic energy of the earlier stuff, but have some of the best songwriting of the 80's. We Close Our Eyes and Out Of Control are both amazing ballads, and Try to Believe is one

Not to be too much of a pedant, but the Boingo album is called Nothing to Fear, you added a "left". It's an absolutely fantastic album start to finish.