Brett Gerlt

Or this piss cup sequence in this season of Fargo.

How is no one talking about the return of Mr. Wrench. Also Nikki is going to be fine…. I hope.


I kind of want to see Andrew Dominik direct a Batman film.

I think No Country is the key reference in this episode. There were several of them through out. I really enjoyed the season and the finale. I think looking at the ending through that lens makes me appreciate it more.

I would say Pineapple Express is arguably one of the better films in the bro comedy category. I thought Prince Avalanche was pretty good as well. Joe on the other hand felt like a lesser version of Mud by Jeff Nichols to me.

Not a Coen Brothers reference but Bear taking Simone out to the woods was kind of reminiscent of Adriana's death in the Sopranos. I think the shows references often goes beyond the Coen Brothers films.

I was really surprised Big Bang Theory wasn't mentioned with it's often stereotypical representation of Indians.

Anyone else notice Aziz bang his head on the playground equipment.

Goodnight Mommy looks like a rip off of "Gangie" from Arrested Development.

How can you write this article and not mention that EITS were a part of the film soundtrack. The youtube video at the bottom is even from the soundtrack.

The best chase scene was definitely from Nightcrawler.

One time I was carrying a card board box into the house and my roommate asked if I had Gwyneth Paltrows head in there. I said "huh?" He said "You know the movie Se7en." I told him I had never seen it and he started apologizing furiously. I watched the movie a while later and was underwhelmed by mostly because the