
Yes you're right. Governments should ignore riots as they are only the actions of a few hundred. They are irrelevant and should not be taken seriously.

Cool! Didn't some scientists a couple years ago successfully teleport an electron something like a meter? Now all we need is someone to perfect the inertial damper and the Enterprise will almost be finished.

You know, I know this is a joke and this specific design is impractical, but I think there really might be something to this.

Dumb question time: why are the photos in black and white? To better contrast shadows for topographical data? Because color creates distortion in a lens that size? A color lens is vastly more expensive? Just wondering, since the Curiosity is able to deliver such razor-sharp color images.

What do you mean, "if it was very lucky"? Is it fatal or not? A human being can (and has) survive a fall that long, does that mean falls of that magnitude are non-fatal to us?

For whatever reason it seems to be spiraling on a pretty steady axis. That would help it fall straight down I think.

Man these things are cool. Call me old-fashioned, though, but the Harrier is still my VTOL craft of choice.

I think the only thing stopping you would be the same thing stopping you from not scanning items at the self-checkout at the grocery, or just simply walking out with an apple; You're afraid of getting caught.

Awesome, I was looking for a way to continue burning myself after my Cornballer broke down.

Oddly enough, this is the only website I use my Facebook account on.

I read your posts about this being a market-driven price, but you're crazy if you think the telecommunication industry has hit equilibrium via the consumer. We had nothing to do with bringing the price down, only with establishing a ceiling. There's a huge difference.

Yeesh, only 77? Quit whining, it was over 100 every single day here in Kansas.

More amazing than building his own functional robotic arms is designing them and constructing them without any hands...

You do. Use a sharpie and write on them. Ta-da!

Satellite archaeology researcher? That's an actual job?

No, it isn't. You either have a Y chromosome or you do not. That is how biology defines which one of us is a male and which is a female. All genetic mutations which occur after the fact are irrelevant.

What "skill level" do you propose dividing sprinting events into? Height and weight don't matter, Usain Bolt is 6'6 and 215 lbs. Tyson Gay is 5'10 and and 165 lbs. Besides, if you did separate by height and weight, it would still be separate, as no men would weigh in as low as the women. So how would you divide it?

if current trends continue, within the next century, female Olympians will be just as fast as their male counterparts.

Have the app. It's awful. It has serious lag issues even on the lowest resolution. Nothing more than a way to display a slideshow.