
Hey now, I don't think you have to be a man or straight to appreciate the allure of the female form.

I also like the economists approach of cost per watt-hour. They could have easily considered things like batteries per pack or price in bulk, but in the long-run none of those things determine who makes the best battery. Awesome article.

It was a symbol for a vagina long before Germany was even a country. Trust me, I saw The Da Vinci Code like 5 times.

Obviously it worked.

What he said, and also because ice skaters are able to take advantage of centrifugal force and bring their legs and arms tight into their bodies to speed up acceleration. Skaters tuck as much as they can, but the whole needing to land on a 3 foot wide board kinda makes it hard.

How was number 7 a tie? Siri got smoked!

I couldn't imagine it when Jobs was calling the shots, but now? I'm sure whoever Jobs' successor is (I'm embarrassed I don't know who that is) will try to preserves Jobs' vision as best they can, but sooner or later things are bound to change. Not that I see a smaller iPad popping up this go-around, but eventually I

Who do you know that's still living off their parents "well into their 30s"? I work at a school and I can tell you kids interact pretty much exactly like they always have.

Almost everything you wrote shows you being overly defensive. It's the authors job to dictate tone and you did just that. If that's not how you meant to be perceived, then you made a mistake.

[edited for double-post]

Rarely Interpreted Monikers

What performance drops? Seriously, where do you get that? People love to compare specs, but that isn't what's important. Sure, you can find a laptop with identical specs to a MBP/A and it will most likely cost less. Those machines will not perform identically, though. The Mac will run much more smoothly and age

By Giz and every single other tech enthusiast.

I don't think the manufacturers of Ultra-books are too concerned with people that want to play Battlefield 3 on its highest settings. Is your current laptop really double the size of these? Why do you even have one?

Say what? Who is your ISP? Please let us know so we can all be sure to avoid that carrier. Do they block anything else?

I agree, they're way far out.

You know, the first movie wasn't so bad. It was an awful movie, but I don't think it was a total mockery of the franchise or anything, and that's what people seem most upset about. They tried to stay true to the story, but the story involves creatures and hairstyles that just don't exist. It's tough to recreate

How did a 7 year old kid go on a 7 kill streak?

What propels the golf ball? Blanks?

Cannot tell if troll...