
@bigbensweiner: Hey I'm not saying the kid isn't a dick, but good lord. I don't think those kids understood the gravity of what they were accusing him of. His record now shows "rapist", and I would imagine he's listed in the sex offender registry as well. That's really too bad. Couldn't they have given him assault

No way...

@Gaucho85: People have been shot over less. Why make it more realistic than it needs to be? What's the upside?

Wow, someone is now a convicted rapist for wrestling? That's really messed up.

@QLAB: early to late 30s

In other words, the movies they show are "boring".

@tegz: Then the title should have been "Cheap-ass LED TV", shouldn't it? You seriously cannot understand that people did not expect to see a $1k+ TV in an article titles "cheap-ass TV"?

@HotSoup: Moms old CRT ftw. Bonus VCR hiding spot!

@ricoinc99: Panasonic shmanisonic, get a real TV, Vizio is the way to go.

@balloondoggle: You can use a TV for things other than channel surfing, you know.

@CaptainJack: No kidding. I kept wondering when they were going to get to the cheap version they were talking about.

Hey now I love my Vizio. 37 inch 1080p for $360 shipped. I didn't even know they had a bad reputation.

@NexusRanger: Well you would certainly know better than they.

@geekymitch: Given all the shortcomings you mentioned, what's so bad about using the iPhone for business? I'd opt for the Blackberry too if I really needed a mobile office, but I just want your opinion as a professional.

Blackberrys are kind of like Thinkpads to me. They don't do anything spectacular, but they've been around forever and are solid as a rock. Would a face-lift and a little innovation really be such a bad thing? I hate to bring aesthetics into this, but since when are business-people not concerned about their image?

@Steezy McFresh: You can thank those business robots for making whatever you typed that on affordable.

@FlyingAvocado: I'll leave it to someone more skilled than I. Besides, since my point-and-shoot was stolen, all I've got left is a 3GS. Hardly capable of what I'm talking about. Then again...alright I'll give it a go, but I doubt I'll end up with anything worth submitting.