
@pupaboy3: Why? They look great.

@dbrenn2: Said the empty room.

@Mattizzle: DAMMIT, you beat me to it.

@MacAttack: Four iceblocks?? That's just overkill.

If my 9 year-old self is any indication, sledding without snow has never been a problem.

One of my faves. Just trust the caption, trying to justify it too long will make you puke.

Or you could just drive there and check your odometer once you arrive.

@Sprzout: Lol, you haven't installed Pandora because you're afraid of a surprise bill? Just how much data do you think internet radio uses? Trust me, unless you're listening 12 hours a day, you'll be fine.

@KiLLeR_friend: If you examined the contents of the Cider version of Vice City, you'd find the exact same folders you would find in your Program Files folder in Windows. It's literally cut and paste. The Cider engine just translates it into Mac-speak. Sometimes it works instantly, sometimes there are a few bugs you

@BigDikJohnson: You can't get a Mac for less than 2 grand? Wrong.

@GiantEnemyCat: Macs are pretty underrated gaming machines. Certainly they're out-shined by a well built PC counterpart, but they're far from poor.

@KiLLeR_friend: Do you understand how the Cider engine works? This is not a port.

I thought "Pico Projector" was a brand name? Like how everyone calls tissues Kleenex. Is it not?

@thegremblin: They cost much, much more than that to produce.

Haha I love that logic. Get pissed people might not buy a game from your store, so remove that option completely. That'll show 'em!

Groggle? That's an odd name. I'da called it Chazwazzers.

@Ding-Dang: I effing love that mouse. Reminds me of Super Ships II every time.

@minjChE: Maybe it's an iBook ;)

Luckily there's an app for this.