
I think what's keeping it alive is all the Battle Chests I keep buying due to lost cd-keys.

Itl'll be Comic Sans and caps lock for me. Maybe some excessive punctuation to tie it all together.

Yo dawg, I....actually, nevermind.

@xaronax: If you are caught urinating in public twice (at least in Kansas), you are placed in the sex offender database and permanently have that on your record.

That's like saying "to achieve enough energy to take off, an airplane would need over a billion AA batteries, which would be too heavy, thus a plane cannot fly."

I wish I could come up with a decent Flight of the Conchords reference right now.

@Abner Santos: Edited for me being an asshole. You're right. I almost even referenced South Park, which made me realize we're all hypocrites sometime, just like batdad here. I pretty much agree with you on all counts.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: The girl you fucked to create your little angel was somebody else's daughter t0o.

@En0s1: Good thinking. When you end up in jail, you two can talk all about how right you were.

@mrm: Wasn't that his point?

This is one of those things where you might say, "boy, if anyone ever did that to my daughter, I'd..."

@Abner Santos: You realize you're making just as many assumptions as the father was, right?

@OMG! WTF!!: Lol, and ghostly titanic eyes to boot. Heart.

@FriarLawrenceIII: Well, some games—like League of Legends—actually do come down to nanoseconds. Being able to squeeze your thumb to pop a spell versus locating (and possibly missing) a key can be the difference between winning and losing a fight.

Found it.

@berky93: Not really. Depends how high up you are.

@skywalker24: 30% is relative. It doesn't matter how much or how little they're paying, their profits are still built around their marginal costs. That cost is now higher. It might not be exactly 30% higher, but we don't know that they will be raising their prices 30% either. For all we know, they're only raising