
@Wolfsheim: Theres something hidden deep inside this comment, but I just can't put my finger on it.

I still say his best role was Cock-knocker.

@Andy Mesa: Hey now, I liked Return of the Jedi the best, but mostly because Luke looked like a badass with that black cloak and green lightsaber. Also, Rancors.

Came here for the Zune jokes.

I think they put Tularemia in P.F. Changs.

What's so bad about David Carr's stats? They're only marginally worse than Smith's.

Sucks to be that guy.

Wow, pretty impressive considering they weren't supposed to be out until mid December.


Honeybees have been dropping like flies

@skeptic10: Lol damn, you posted whilst I was shoppin'. Good work.

Once a sample's been drilled out and retrieved, it's sliced apart with lasers for analysis.

Also if Prop 19 passes: hilarity of this video increases exponentially.

I once got lost in BFE, Utah, and after pulling over to check the map, got the most amazing view of the sky I have ever seen. I had no idea the stars could be so bright.

Still, the most surprising sound effect is scientific progress, which goes "boink".

@dannkherb: Don't be afraid to use your nails, boys!