
@lpranal: Ah, but if you had $500 to blow on a bottle of wine that $500 would be as worthless to you as whatever you blow your money on now. I'm pretty sure everyone who is filthy rich has said the exact same thing.

Hunter S. Thompson strongly disagrees.

So I assume a scanner is a necessary requirement? Kinda makes the cost of entry a little high.

@OMG! meatbag_: "Even" chicken? Next to veggies that is by far the healthiest thing you mentioned.

@Fossa: What I find interesting is something a commenter above points out. This article specifically points out that texting can lower your reaction speed to that of a 70 year old (gasp!). But it isn't illegal for a 70 year old to drive, so apparently they (old people) sharing the road with motorcyclists and

@CaptMorgan74: Isn't that exactly what texting is for, things that don't warrant a phone call? And if you're going to email, why not just text it? It will be received and replied to much quicker.

@flechuga: Good point. If a 70 year old is allowed to drive, and text messaging lowers your reaction time to that of 70 year old, you should be all good. Now, if they want to make a maximum driving age I'm all for it.

First thoughts, the 6-10% that said texting is acceptable during sex sounds like just the right amount of people that would respond that way to be funny. "Hurrdurr look I wrote that I text during sex. Aren't I funny?"

@AngryChiefsFan: They would get backlash for putting a potentially gay man in an ad? The probably straight guy might, but not Sony. It's just marketing. Women buy pink. Sell it to them. Screw the 5% of guys that might buy this, they won't bring you any money.

@Justin: So when they bring it back you will buy twice as much. At least Mexican Coke is still around, and awesome.

I hope that consumers focus on research instead of silly names, but I'm not entirely sure that this rebranding attempt won't work for at least a little while.

@jeriryan87: Yeah, I read that. I figured they meant over the course of a day, or experiment, or something. I thought it accelerated single protons into eachother. Then again, I'm fairly certain I'm just guessing at that.

@OMG! FriedPeeps: So...what you want is a completely different device than this one :)

It is all the iPod's fault! Why can't he be more like his brother, Inanimate Carbon Rod?!

I don't think you'll survive very much.

@nossif: Without checking Google, and just spitballing information I've gathered, it has to do with certain animals possessing the proper bacteria in their digestive tracts and immunity systems to process raw meat. Humans used to have it, too, but we lost the ability over time.
