If they try to kill off Lady Mormont, SHE will burn their houses to the ground.
If they try to kill off Lady Mormont, SHE will burn their houses to the ground.
So, can we talk about Dinah’s thought process?
She could end up living on Argo City.
I’m pretty sure he was NOT in the opening credits. I know I saw him in the CLOSING credits, and I’ve never seen a TV episode credit a guest twice in one episode.
>>>Instead, it felt more like the writers just forgot that Philly is a full hour away from Randall and Beth’s house? <<<
Was I the only one disappointed that the little dots in “Stray Observations” weren’t replaced with “And another thing!”?
This episode was full of stupid. Take, for example, that it didn’t occur to Nora to say that she didn’t want to go into the memory sharing thing with her father because he might see information about the future. Please.
For the benefit of anyone who comes along looking at this at this late date, it should say a Michael Jackson song. There’s a song of his called “Threatened” that uses some of Serling’s opening narration over the intro.
Good point.
Also, if only there were some established method for what to do when a prosecutor feels that a defendant is legitimately remorseful and deserves a reduced sentence. I don’t know, maybe they could strike some sort of bargain where the defendant could make some type of plea? Too bad nothing like that exists!
Yes, John Smiley’s 1987 Topps Traded rookie card—the one Rebecca holds at the card shop—really does mention his interest in karate and pool. Well done by the producers.
And it was so nice of him to offer to pay for it. Oh, no, that’s right, he just took it and didn’t even think about paying for it.
Except that the accountant checked Forcett’s file, and he showed as being alive, and age 68. Which places this pretty firmly in about-current time.
There are dozens of people in the US named Nicholas, Nicolas, Nick, or Nicky Pearson. If he Googled the name, he’d find plenty of listings, but obviously most of them aren’t his uncle.
And the “her” they were going to see...was a sled!
Me too.
This is just a nitpick, and doesn’t mean the episode wasn’t good--it was--but why in the Disney hell does the Time Bureau need funding from the 2018 US government? It was founded by the last surviving Time Master, not the government! And, you know, it can TIME TRAVEL...it can get the money from any time period, or…
This was a decent story, but did we ever get a motive for Spencer? If someone is going to try to kill a superhero who keeps saving her hometown, I’d like it to be for a reason beyond “it will generate more hits for my blog”.
Or at least send William to Supergirl’s Earth or some other time period, where he really would be completely safe from Diaz.
Except that they’ve been playing up that Lena is disillusioned with Supergirl and doesn’t trust her (after Supergirl sent Guardian to spy on her), but she’s still buddy-buddy with Kara.