
He has the power turned off in his house up until the last few episdes, guessing the meter wasn't running at that point….He turned it all back on to prove he was "fine" to Howard, and Jimmy…

I hope it was just a coincidence, or just happened to be the best spot to shoot that scene….

98? damn that things only 5 years old and a complete POS….

Oh come on

How in the world are they incompetent? have they made one decision that hurt them in any way what so ever yet?

Ennis stussy may have only been 72, onece you change your name there is nothing stopping you from changing your age as well.

You like reading reviews of shows you haven't watched in 7 years, must have a lot of time on your hands since giving up sunny…

Thats weird i busted out laughing

Yup, definitely not a show to jump into the middle of..

I'm sure he has a plan for what to do after the hack, he has just been kinda busy being in jail for awhile now…

Mr Robot told Elliot he shot him…they never really confirmed he died…

Pretty sure Darlene was just trying to get Angela open to the idea of helping, without letting her know its a bit of a difficult task.

Asian guys wife

If i had to only pick one show to say to label as a "you definitely have to watch the 1st season" kinda show, im thinking this would be it…

Bull in the Heather

He sure was

Maybe i should added an IMO

Horrible review

Just loved that he instantly loves action jack after that.

She kissed him last episode!