
That struck me as totally odd. Earlier in the week Alex had asked her just what exactly a supply chain professional does, and now we're finding out she has a BA in Art History, a Masters in Engineering, and is looking for a new job

I thought he did toss off one sexist remark but I can't recall it now. I just remember at the time thinking, "Ah yes, casually sexist Alex is the best Alex."

I usually leave the room during the first commercial break, and yesterday got caught up doing something in the kitchen and thought to myself, "Stop, the show should be back on." and went back to the TV to find Sirena STILL TALKING.

I feel like she started out really strong but her gameplay this week has been…listless. Maybe it's the comedown after the great fun of Brad, Ken and Roger, but man, this week has been both boring and frustrating.

Same here, I've been so confused about this point of contention.

That "Mt. Hood" response was particularly egregious.

I was so excited Roger was in the lead when he hit the DD and was so psyched to see him bet it all, but then as I realized he didn't know the response to this (IMO) simple question I was just screaming at my TV. EDEMA, ROGER, EDEMA!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD EDEMAAAAAA!

I'm hoping the girl told him that just to fuck with him, because that would be terrific.

Agreed, I really enjoy that show, actually.

I immediately thought North Dakota for FJ because somewhere my brain pulled up fracking and remembered reading about very low unemployment, but then as the time ticked on I kept second guessing myself and finally decided to go with Texas. GOD DAMMIT.

Loved the "Broaster Chicken" on the menu at Lou's diner. SO Midwestern.

We must work together, because that shit happens repeatedly around here.