And had to pee? Getting old sucks! Thanks, that was the funniest comment I've read in ages.
And had to pee? Getting old sucks! Thanks, that was the funniest comment I've read in ages.
Yes it is. There could be so many explanations for it. They could be unrepresentative examples. Or he could be into quickies. Or he could find the idea of her going out with his semen still inside her a huge turn-on. Etc. Or maybe they're completely representative examples and he's just a sensitive little…
Hmmm, he may be a lost cause then. If I were you and he wasn't a particularly good friend I'd probably dtmf. If he were a good friend then I would be completely blunt with him and make fun of him in the hopes that eventually he'd get it. And if he didn't, he'd probably get tired of you and dump YOU. So it's a…
So satisfying! My personal story was from grade 8 when in April or so, I finally challenged a popular guy who'd been relentlessly teasing and insulting me all year long to a fight. We milled about to little effect for a minute or two-my timing was off as it had been over two years since I'd been in a fight. Then I…
I think the best strategy would be to try and get him to be friends with a woman or two, sans romance. I don't know if you could swing that. Because guys like that usually don't have friends who are women (go figure). I think if you could get him around a woman in a non-pressured, friendly, social context, then…
I suspect her feelings were hurt because she knew there was an element of truth to his complaints. And nobody likes to hear that they're not sexually satisfying their spouse. I get that the two examples he gave probably involve bad timing, but I doubt he'd be writing to Dan Savage if there weren't a more pervasive…
It also started playing in the car right as the nasty girl was teasing him, saying "Aww, Steve has a heeaaaart!" I wondered if the pun was intentional.
When my son was 5 he was playing soccer and there was a kid on the other team who did not understand, or want to understand, the rules. This kid was one of those kids who is a head taller and 20lbs heavier than every other kid in the game. And every time he wanted the ball he would go up to the kid who had it and…
My sister (also b. 1968) was quite taken with him in Taps (1981). I remember lots of Risky Business posters. if I were designing a 1983 teenage girl's room with a heartthrob poster though I'd've used Duran Duran.
That certainly invokes the first line I quoted! 😀
What generation are you talking about? Immortal lines….
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."
"Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven."
"All is not lost, the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and the courage never to submit or yield.”
Maybe he doesn't want to be financially responsible for a kid. Maybe he just doesn't like kids. Maybe he wants to be the focus of his gf's affections/attention and not be competing with a kid. There could be lots of reasons really. PS Many happy returns!
As I recall, his motive was survival, as he believed (1) that the Lannisters would destroy him so they had no choice but to raise their banners and (2) that Stannis would be unable to attract enough support to win, so he had no choice. Who is to say he was wrong? If Stannis/Melisandre hadn't assassinated him, it…
Well, one example of a cavalry on cavalry charge was Cannae, where Hasdrubal routed the Roman cavalry and then turned around and slaughtered the Roman infantry from behind. Another example would be Naseby where the Royalist cavalry under Rupert on the Royalist right routed the Parliamentary cavalry opposite, but…
Check him out on Misfits too, where he plays a character that is basically the opposite of Ramsay in virtually every way! That's show is great and he's great in it.
I was wondering-what if it wasn't actually Rickon, but someone else the Northerners gave up, along with Shaggydog to make it convincing, to keep the real Rickon safe? I know, it's a corny idea, but the show has done worse things…and it has a precedent in the books (Jayne Poole for Arya).
Hopefully the Reeds get Dreadfort, assuming they want it!
That's what I said to Mrs. Rabbit, and then immediately added that it didn't make an iota of sense because Hannibal's strategy at Cannae was predicated on his cavalry routing the Romans' cavalry and securing the flanks, and then attacking the Roman rear, something Snow was never going to be able to do since his main…
But if all you're saying is that the best that tv/film has to offer beats most of the fluffy literature you buy in an airport then aren't you kind of agreeing? Generally agree with Battybrain because novels have the luxury of time. Time to expand and delve into ideas, themes, characters. Film and tv can be…
Percy Jackson, Alex Rider, Young James Bond, Maze Runner, Ranger's Apprentice are all modern books my son reads—or are those too young?