There is no God, and we are his prophets.
He’s just trying to fit in.
You must of been waiting for him.
Teen girls on stick horses has 4chan wrote all over it
Kansas whoops ass so lets post an article about a bunch of irrelevant shit that nothing is going to come of.
is it me or is he trying not to smile after he says who’s he?
Man I hear that. People love to dog the shit out of Ricky, I’ve always been a fan of the guy. Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee for anyone who gives a fuck) went off on him in one video on his IG talking about he could be better and work on his but all he wants to is bang chicks in Ibiza during the the offseason. Check it…
Rep basically says “ afterwards bitch got a train ran on her, and liked it.”
Even better is that he smoked a pack a day
Desertbruins* iz how it be spelt hur in texas
Alllllllllriiiiiiight! Fuck! When’s this bitch gonna go away?
Good article.
Fuck that holy rolling Christian piece of shit
Fake. Not even a soldier
I see a road side bomb in your future