Roll Tide Y'all

Yea, I think you’re on the right track with this thinking. The issue is that in conditions where the wet tire would be the best option, they would put so much mist into the air that drivers couldn’t reasonably race.

I dig it. I’m glad they are making a normal-looking EV. Let’s get beyond the idea that an EV has to look “futuristic”; whatever that means to a certain designer. Just make them look good or at a minimum, unobtrusive.

Exactly. I ordered a 2023 Maverick recently (don’t know if I’ll actually get it). I never considered a full-size truck. I am coming from a VW Passat and don’t want/need a full-size truck. We have a couple of 1-ton trucks at our small business that I can use if I absolutely need the capability. I’d argue my neighbors

I’m glad research and development are occurring but it seems like I’ve been reading articles like this for years. Here’s hoping.

Perfect! Just what we needed. Another unaffordable luxury SUV for billionaires. 

The problem with EVs is that the only problem they “fix” is the emissions from the cars. We still have all of the associated issues of having too many cars on our roads.

An example of an emerging field would be CRISPR which is a gene editing tool that was created in the last 10 years . Modern EVs are just not as “emerging” as you’re letting on. In fact, your most recent reply demonstrates this fact. There has been a massive evolution from when they were first introduced. Therefore,

Obviously, you’re confused about the history because you called EVs an “emerging field”. I cited to you how EVs have been around for over 100 years and you argued with me about that. Whether the 100 year old cars had torque vectoring and battery management systems has nothing to do with the fact that EVs are not an

BEVs have been around for 120 years. They made up 1/3 of all vehicles in 1900 (as I already stated). I don’t know what part of that you don’t get. Do your own research (as the conspiracy theorists like to say). 

What? There is no way consumers expected this vehicle to possibly burn down their houses, with them in it, while it charged. That is not a “risk you’d expect” from any consumer product.

Give us a break. At least you can have an incredible (and I do mean incredible) meal in Birmingham. 7 James Beard award winners recently. That food coma will get you to Chattanooga where you can then dine along the river. My favorite place to stop in Chattanooga is called The Boathouse Rotisserie and Raw Bar.

They could make them less expensive. For example, they list their 0-60 time at 3 seconds. Why in the world does a 3 or 4 ton truck need to accelerate that quickly? How much extra does it cost to engineer and build vs a more efficient, but slower, truck?

In Alabama, $150k/year for a couple is solid middle class living in a nice suburb with good schools in a 2,700 sq. ft home.

Instead of incentivizing personal vehicles (ICE or EV), we should be putting money where it can be most efficient. Public transportation. We also need to change zoning laws (that’s more of a local issue, though) to allow developers to build what people actually want instead of mandating single-family hosing, and only

ND. Can smell that interior from here.

VW had to buy back diesels that polluted too much (I benefitted from that program). These cars are burning down structures and there are no calls for buy backs? Seems to me that a burning car is much more of a consumer liability than one that pollutes too much. The difference between these examples? VW lied to the

The problem for teams that stay out is that the undercut has proven to be very powerful at this race, so the longer they stayed out after other teams pitted, the worse off they were going to be once they finally did pit. 

Trophy for “Best 1996 Mystichrome Mustang without stock wheels and between 21,000 and 23,000 miles” at the St. Clair Country fall festival. 

Agree with your points but I have to let out my inner pedant on one thing you said. There is no such thing as “regenerative brakes.” When a vehicle regenerates while decelerating, it’s using the kinetic energy of the car to charge the batteries. It does this by using the electric motors as generators to send energy

Gas tax Holiday won’t fix the issue. I get that it’s about the only thing the executive branch can do but it’s not worth doing, IMO. Oil companies can just raise prices to further increase their margins and price of gas will stay the same. They are enjoying record high profit margins and are bringing supply online as