Roll Tide Y'all

I’ve ridden roughly 2,150 miles on my bikes (road and MTB) since June. 600 miles in two years for a performance car is just crazy talk!

“Now, electric cars are normally really damn efficient with how they use their energy. But just as adding any extra weight ruins your fuel economy with an ICE car, that efficiency drops fast.”

It’s the corporate equivalent of ordering a diet coke with a cheeseburger. 

It’s not too dissimilar from the NCAA basketball format. All you have to do is get to the tourney. After that, it’s anyone’s championship for the taking.

This thing was cleaner than any car I’ve ever owned...before he started.

I like how David Tracy’s suggestion has an ad that reads, “Running when parked in barn 20 years ago.” 

“After only 6 months, we netted a tidy profit of 15 quid! Tada!”

Should’ve been a monorail.

Exactly! A school bus will block a human driver’s line of sight as well. A kangaroo hopping down the street will also confound a human driver. 

The article states,

There’s another ‘93 with fewer miles (but no RE body kit) for the same price. Looks like most good examples are going for north of $30k. Yikes. 

If I’m going to spend 30 min waiting somewhere, it needs to have more food options than hot dogs on rollers and more entertainment options than counting the # of people that smoke while fueling up at the gas pumps.

An interesting way to charge these trucks would be to use the methane that comes from the landfills that they service. Most landfills have to burn off the methane gas (via flare) although I do know of one that sells it’s methane to a brick plant as fuel for their kiln.

I beg to differ. I’m located in the SE US and there are plenty of industrial repair shops in my area (I work on machine tools as part of my job). Many of these repair shops use manual machines because they aren’t working from castings where everything starts at the same size. Most repair shops have to weld up shafts

At work, we build our own DC drives (for industrial applications) and I can tell you that DC is much harder to break than AC (mainly because it never crosses zero). Both AC and DC can be dangerous.

128 miles/quart (of oil). Not bad!

Technically, I am a millennial (born in ‘83) but I consider myself part of the Oregon Trail Generation (a small subset generation between Gen X and Millenials). Either way, pick up after your dog you dadgum whippersnappers!

So, what you’re saying is that our President will probably order two of them.

Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Yup! I used to have an EG with a D15B swap and an SI transmission swap as well. Good memories of that car. We tuned it for Vtec to come in around 5,200, I think.