RIP in peace? Rest In Peace, in peace?
RIP in peace? Rest In Peace, in peace?
Am I alone in thinking DP has a pretty good show? I mean, Mclovin gets on my nerves but I'm fairly sure that's his intended purpose. But when I work from home, it's DP I keep on for ambient distraction.
I am a massive internet embarrassment
His first three college games, ever. Against teams ranked #11, #1, and #2. In the divisional championship game, the Sugar Bowl, and the National Championship.
I'm sorry, but before you talk anymore shit I'm going to have to see your stat sheet from when you came off the bench unexpectedly and whomped three of the best teams in the country en route to a National Championship.
deep cut, could also go with the death of the Great Khan
I am sick of people saying "the wrong side of thirty." There is nothing wrong ...
How are these mutually exclusive claims?
I'll offer a third option: He's a owner's puppet AND he's stupid
this is good kinja
Deadspin is not your freshman philosophy seminar. Just FYI.
Yep, you're right! I am definitely intolerant of Hunter's bigoted opinions.
So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.
I feel like playing football in your racist, God-forsaken city is punishment enough, SLPOA
you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case
Something like this I hope.
Well, I can count at least three black people, so this is most definitely the Republican National Convention.
Look, as someone from Boston with a ton of hockey friends, I can comfortably say that they're all racists.
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