
Looks like you should spend less time as TheLaughingMan and more time as TheReadingMan.

Are you going to admit that you didn't read the whole comment or are you going to pretend that didn't happen?

No one's saying they do not deserve to derive enjoyment from their preferred medium of delivery.

Read it before, didn't agree with some of it then. There is a moral and ethical distinction between the fundamentally neutral act of adorning yourself with clothing or accessories or whatever inspired by another culture and manipulating, misrepresenting, harming, or making fun of that culture. In my view, the latter

Get. Over. It. Wearing clothing and accessories inspired by a culture does not automatically debase that culture. It's a fundamentally neutral act.

Obviously the red moon is a sign of the coming of R'llor and his warrior Azor Ahai!

Uh, I think sacking up means being there for your wife and newborn child.

This is actually the most reasonable comment in this whole discussion, in the sense that because you are dumb enough to be a Mets fan, it makes perfect sense that you are likewise dumb enough to hold that opinion about a player taking paternity leave.

You're totally correct. New babies only exist for about 4 hours a day when they're first born.

the minus is due to the fact that the paper was supposed to be about the Outkast song.

Potentially the realest thing

For someone who only complains about Deadspin's content, you sure like visiting Deadspin.

Tom, I'm afraid you've been hoodwinked: this is viral marketing for Bud Light Lime Straw-Ber-Rita.

I don't know. I think maybe the world's saddest Nets fan is the one taking the picture.

I appreciate your point of view, but to be fair, I'd much rather watch a West Ham-Stoke City match than a Seattle Sounder game. My rationale? You only need to look at the rosters. Sure, Stoke plays a brash style of English footy. But look at their players: Begovic, Pieters, Huth, Palacios, Odemwingie, Arnautovic,

This article doesn't make me want to watch MLS, but it did magically turn me into a lustful cockmonster.

This is exactly why I can't stand college football. Refuse to watch it. The route running? Puhlease. Watching a far superior Jaguars/Browns game in December is where you'll find me.

Whenever Rovell tweets dumb shit, I think about the tweet he sent out on the day news broke that Hope Solo's football-player husband was arrested for domestic violence. Whatever actually happened between Hope Solo and Jerramy Stevens, the complexities of a relationship between two actual humans and the horrors of