Bare knuckle MMA and boxing on ice should be banned, yes.
Bare knuckle MMA and boxing on ice should be banned, yes.
Competitive basketball is much more taxing to your cardiovascular system than say, baseball or football. So while it's not directly linked to the sport, the nature of the sport itself makes that particular health risk much more likely. Ditto soccer. Numerous soccer players have also died as a result of head trauma.…
Google "died while playing basketball". It's tragically not that rare, largely due to undiagnosed heart defects.
So let me get the crux of your argument: standards of living for police aren't worsening b/c in your Chicagocentric view cops live in middle class suburbs, wholly ignoring the fact that Chicago's police force has taken huge cuts under the Emmanuel administration? Hm.
They'd earned the nebulous status of "privilege", indeed. But let's be real. Under the Ohio High School Athletic Association rules, there are certain things students have to do to be eligible to play. (Of all people, Lebron James ran into issues with this back in his day and if Lebron effing James had to go to class…
So in the same post where you say "the old rumor mill is still alive" you seem to take the word of an unnamed teenager as literally true that football players don't go to class?
It IS getting worse. Starting salaries have been stagnant for years.
The only way you'd legitimately argue that public employees' standard of living is improving, Paul Ryan, is if you've been hiding under a rock since 2007. It's not like I raised some controversial point.
Yep. Definitely said it's terrible. You're good at reading.
I would posit that this is a natural by-product of two things: 1.) an influx of hundreds of thousands of military veterans with counter-insurgency combat experience and little real-world skill into the police workforce and 2.) a result of years if not decades of attacking public unions and bargaining power. As the…
Alcoholics who still want to appear to drink beer.
Reading this thread is like listening to A$AP Rocky with your grandparents.
What about say, Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones?
I'm not arguing with you. You're arguing with me, and needlessly so. I said it was DRAMATIC to say that living somewhere different from where you live/like is (or is like, even) TORTURE. It is, indisputably. Ask the dudes getting their fingernails ripped out in CIA black sites. For some reason you took umbrage with my…
This is Deadspin, you must be new here.
1.) Who says "city boy"? Is this Deliverance? 2.) The idea that something new and different is either "torture" or "frightening" is the very definition of dramatic.
That's not dramatic at all.
Do people really not have sex b/c of periods? What is this, amateur hour?
EVERYONE in Ohio remembers...