
There is a delivery service in Atlanta that will deliver from a handful of restaurants, but also has a “Convenience” store section and will deliver pints of ice cream, condoms, cigarettes, etc. I know those services have been around in like, NYC and shit for a while, but in DC there was bodega across the street and I

There was a small blurb about it this morning on the Drew and Mike Podcast. Their studio engineer was also one of the EMTs on site the day of the accident.

Even if he was 100000 delegates behind I would still support his choice to fight on. If Americans gave up every time we where told we couldn’t win we would all be Talking with a British accent on our segregated slave ran farms.

Very badly placed comment. Sorry you got caught in the crossfire.

Yeah! In fact, I’m gonna include a nice little gif for that d-bag.

I’ll add this to the list of reasons I don’t make healthy smoothies anymore.

I went to Yoga in the park yesterday, and realised due to me throwing my back out .... my flexibility has gone for shit, but still, I touched nose to knee!

Banana Ketchup is a Filipino condiment that became popular during WW2 after the GI’s showed up. They started making it with bananas because of rationing. That’s the same reason Spam is popular there and in a lot of Asian countries- I find it interesting that every Asian country affected by any US war/occupation has

Yes! Celery salt is also acceptable.

I’m more of a ketchup, mustard, sauerkraut kind of girl....and I do put ketchup on everything. Ever tried fried chicken with ketchup (better yet, banana ketchup) and rice?

I can’t decide whether that kid or her parents are my heroes for the day. They’re all doing everything right.

LOL okay, point taken then! Context is everything and I did not fully take in all that there was, here.

for more attention. I mean more awareness.

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

I’m so tired of this story in every single way.

She’s in her 80s ... I think her use of “whatever” was not in the dismissive tone you use it here.

Sorry, I’m afraid you’re not allowed to have sex.

At that age, his parents are still purchasing his underpants. But they had a “relationship.” Right.