
Got mine for 5 grand 2 and a half years ago, with around 80k miles on it. I want a new car but can't really justify it when this thing will probably outlast me...

I used OPT backup which does all the cydia stuff automatically, I can understand not wanting to, but I couldn't recommend it enough.

I'd backup, update and restore from backup tonight if I were you. 7.1.2 is much faster and better on battery.

Worked fine for me!

Just used it, worked perfectly

It's been several years IIRC, which just goes to show how well the meds must be working. At least, I haven't heard of any other decapitated people recently...

But that's just the thing. There is a reason for the therapy and meds, and it's because they work. It's unfortunate these things happen, but just because someone was sick and didn't know what they were doing (even if what they did was terrible) doesn't mean they should be locked up for life. That's how i see it at

That guy is allowed out on day passes now.. Totally not too soon.

RWD is much more expensive to develop, and not as many people want RWD.

Just looked, and in Canada (much more expensive cars than the states) they can be found around 35k

You're probably right, we need to make sure it stands out from the regular Range Rover drivers, those plebeians will be jealous. Hell, let's make it 40k!

With a 20k premium over over the regular Range Rover?

But if you filled your brake lines with water, I could guarantee you would stop just as well (until it boiled...).The reason water isn't used for hydraulics is it's low boiling point, how it will cause metal to deteriorate, and it's fairly high specific gravity, not because its minutely more compressible than other

I have a 1.8 gas in mine, and for anything outside of city driving, it will barely keep up. Anything smaller and the highway would be literally dangerous. This is an 11 year old car though, so I could see a 1.2 turbo, or maybe Ford's new three cylinder working here. NA 1.0 or 1.2? Wouldn't be able to keep up on the

You answered it yourself in your post. Those cars would have absolutely no use to a consumer today. Think about the first Honda Civics brought to NA, they made 40mpg. If safety features and the like hadn't been increasing weight all this time, fuel economy would be much higher. As it is, engineers have to work harder

But if all the fuel sipping diesels from Europe were brought here, they wouldn't sell. "Not enough power" ,"Oh, but it's a diesel" would be heard all across the continent.

Which for most (read: any) engineering applications means completely incompressible. It' such a small number that an engine wouldn't even be able to come close to showing any compression in it.

Wasn't that actually called something different when under forced induction? Wold be intriguing though.

Not the RCMP.. Been in a cop car during a chase myself. OPP ARE a bunch of pansies however.

Likely, seeing as I think only one of the celebrity car laps was dry IIRC.