
My corolla (which when parked next to one of these looks twice as large) weighs about 2550 pounds... How is that car so heavy?!?

I'm pretty sure its the same with any of Toyota's cars that have an S model, usually XR means the bigger engine.

At a distance they look all right... up close you can see the seams.. ugh.

That looks amazing, how much time did it take?

I just laughed my ass of at that, thanks!

I'd have no money after that...

But the new Mazda diesels rev extremely high (IIRC) compared to other diesel engines at least.

Good, I've been finding the weekends seriously lacking in the field of men with beards singing.

Depends on the specs of the Macbook. If you could provide a link to whichever one you're looking at we could give a concrete answer.

Easy fix for a DIYer!

Subaru + Hood scoop = Fast.

That I can completely agree with. You can get an identical gun.. that looks a little different, yet one is considered an "assault weapon" and one is a hunting rifle.

My dad put premium gas in it once... Hit 40mpg! Next gen after that, 2004 CE.

It works just fine in the front seat too...

First time I've ever seen that used seriously.

"Instances of transmissions grenading are also down 0.5%, to a whole 50% of cars actually working!"

But by then (not including inflation) it'll cost close to a million.

I got 50..

Captain Slow to the rescue!

I think you should set up this indiegogo thing, and turn the build of VW 2.0 into a series of posts. That way we can all see her come back to life! I know I'd love to read that.