
Even if it is leaking, it's very unlikely that they could harm a person. They are microwaves, the same waves that are in the air all around us from things like our cell phones. How the microwave works, is by pulsing those waves out, so that they reflect together, and become more powerful each pulse. This is hard to

Man, I must've been getting yours.. Life has been good to me since I got a Corolla!

I do know that the RCMP put Corvette engines in their Chevy's, my dad used to tell me stories about them.

They supply hollow points to civilians, FMJ is to the military.

A sexy door wedge with headlights.

That made my day

I work at a coffee shop, and never before has a declined card failed to work the second try. Happens at least once or twice a shift.

Sadly, it did not survive the terrorist attack.

Okay, just bought it. Anyone know why it would possibly not start? Everything seems fine, but the engine doesn't even turn over.

I still can't see the difference from brand new. Where the hell is this damage?!?


Because it starts at about 70 grand (at least it does here in Canada) and they are fairly rare.

Whats up with all the spam bots today?

Explained a lot, thanks!!

I could get so much Jaaaag for that price..

Wait, this is near china right? So maybe someone imported a hilux to the States (or a Tacoma, same thing really) and then it DID go through the Earth!

If it were a Hilux it would have towed the boat into shore.

It's wonderful.

It honestly just grabs mine (and everyone in my carpool's) attention until it's out of sight, it stands out.