
Yes I've heard of the prime directive, it's CONQUER, SUBDUE and ENSLAVE. And also, if they were here we'd have to know it. Since we know that FLT is impossible they'd have to travel in giant colony ships that could transport their entire civilization. If FTL really were possible, it's not but if it were then what

Gimp does not hold a candle to photopshop's current release. Blender does not hold a candle to Maya or any other major 3d platform. Alpha software like VideoLan movie creator cannot come within a million miles of Premier.

I never said they couldn't.

No it isn't. There is no constitutional protection for religious indoctrination in the public schools.

Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from criticism which is all anyone is doing here.

The point is that US children are falling behind in math and science and this textbook, teacher's manual or not, does nothing to improve test scores. Teaching children falsehoods as facts is an extreme disservice to them, their parents and to the nation.

It is outrageous no matter who is being taught religion as if it were science. Evangelical children deserve an education just as much as any other child does. Teaching religion as science is NOT educating children. It's indoctrination.

Well.... _someone_ has certainly made a fool of themselves but I don't think it's Charlie Jane.

The design of the Enterprise only makes sense if you also have artificial gravity and warp drives. Since neither of these are at all scientifically possible it is stupid to build a ship like that. The reason the nacells are up there on supports is because according the the entirely fictional science of Star Trek they

"I shudder to think what'll happen if your sperm actually can swim."

"Humans are innately selfish and are incapable of true altruism. "

Why? You gave none.

"I am certain not only is their no god but that the existence of any deity has been disproved many times."

"Altruism has never been seen in humans."

"I had a couple of hours of free time so I threw this little thing together." Ah.... Yeah... Me too.

"fascists aren't members of a hivemind who all think in lockstep."

"what would count, then?" ——— His actions and his private statements. I think it's reasonable to believe his public speeches were calculated. Does Kim Jong Un really believe he is a semi divine figure? No of course not, but he does believe the people need to believe he is. Same with Hitler. He believed exactly what he

"LOL...fascism has its roots among the Catholic right."

Wall of text is hard to read.

"They prayed for Hitler every day and truly believed he worked God's will."