Brendan Tynan Buck


Personally, I think they'll do Stoneheart next season, and for a big reason: Brienne has officially and fully failed her mission to get either of the Stark girls back, and this time it was through a willingly bad decision. (Going for "muh revenge" instead of focusing on saving Sansa.)

I'm saddened Chauncy the dog didn't even make the list.


I enjoyed the pilot, but I too find it hard how they'll be able to keep going as sustainable series. My biggest problem though is Cancer girl. I like her goofy, food focused personality, but I feel like the cancer element of her character is just going to keep leading into treacly bullshit, just like it did here.

I disagree about Little Mac. Not over where he's fun or not, but I don't think he's all that original, aside from his Punch-Out mechanic. His move-set more or less feels like Ike if he didn't have a Sword, complete with a Side-charge, a Charge Punch, and a counter.

I know it's anime and probably outside your purview, but this list isn't complete without Oreimo, or as the full title is literally translated into English, "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute", which is a charming romantic comedy about falling in love with your sister, whose closest thing to an antagonist is a

Dexter/Sookie OTP.

Can we all just agree that Sookie's faceless Husband who isn't any of the show's cast members is basically the new Lumberjack moment?

Beat me to it. I'm surprised they didn't label this headline "Peter Dinklidge Hulla-hooping Canceled"

I, for one, am looking forward to the inevitable reveal that seasons 2-7 were all just the dying dream of Chauncey the Dog after being struck by a car because Duck Phillips let him out of the offices of Sterling-Cooper.

Concept someone should totally pilot: an epic fantasy series with a smooth jazz soundtrack.

So does Sonia reviewing the Following after Hostages officially make her Nathan Rabin's replacement as the person on the AV Club staff who is made to review the dredges of the pop culture sphere?

I'm not complaining about this little girl murder in specific. That said, I know that in the books he didn't a) kill Sophia (at least at the point they killed her in the show), or b) give the Governor a surrogate daughter (as far as I know of) solely so she could be murdered her off. That's also ignoring the fact that

Dear the Walking Dead,

The novel actually did get sort of Borges-y, especially towards the end when the main character realizes that he isn't in a TV series, he's in a novel.

And the spoils of that war? SIX SEASONS AND A MOVIE!

The Stag Party reminded me a lot of the World's End. They even made reference to something that happened Freeman's character.

The theme song was catchy. But yes, unless it was some kind of collective delusion affecting kids growing up in the late nineties, it existed.

Elementary? Sherlock? Hah! Everyone knows that the best version of Sherlock Holmes is Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century.