Brendan Slack

I’m not exactly sure how the game handles dashing with a d-pad, you could be right that a double-tap would work.

In addition, you could map smash attacks to trigger on a simultaneous normal attack+special attack button press, rather than a trigger flick+normal attack.

You can’t have d-pad movement in this game, because there would be no way to distinguish between a tilt and a smash, or running/walking, which is important for all of you moves.

It’s a *totally* different thing though. Priest steals cards from your opponent’s deck, rogue generates random cards from your opponent’s class.

The in-game social media feed also has people arguing about the new suit design. 

I love how this entire comment thread is basically a copy of the arguing that happens in the in-game social media feed.

I love how this entire comment thread is basically a copy of the arguing that happens in the in-game social media feed.

I feel like you’re doing some funny math in your head to get to that conclusion. In my experience the money I save getting games through digital sales is more than what I’d be able to recoup through trade-ins.

It all depends on the exact numbers, but if I can buy a physical capy of a game a couple months after launch

You will rarely use the full name in a call out anyway, so I don’t see how the full name not being suitable for being used as a call out is relevant.

But those purchases aren’t for use *on the mobile device*. With the Steam link app, those games now potentially become mobile games, which seems to be where apple is taking issue.

The problem is that when the change was active, there was no way to activate the audio for the game. The audio was just gone, it didn’t matter whether you were playing it or not.

Nah, we love him.

The Hunger Games is proud to announce official partnership with

Savings advice is not going to help the working poor with not being able to afford emergency expenses when the main issue is rising costs of living and stagnant wages that have not kept pace with increasing worker productivity.

How so? What was taken away from early adopters? Because it just seems that late adopters have been given a better deal, and early adopters got exactly what they agreed to pay for at the time.

The way I view it, twisting the fact that Nintendo is giving something better to current points holders than they gave to early adopters into a perceived attack on early adopters is a salty way of looking at the situation.

Early adopters had the value proposition of their purchase laid out in clear terms, nothing was

That’s a pretty salty take.

Why do you buy clothes that look nice. You don’t spend most of your time looking at yourself.

“You learn that completing objectives should always be secondary to preserving your power grid.”

Whaaaat? Power grid is a resource that you sacrifice to make sure that you complete your objectives. If you miss an objective and lose out on that perfect victory, that’s essentially worth the equivalent of 4 power grid.

Update, finally finished my first run on normal difficulty, and beat the final level on the first try. I am unbeatable.

These tips are great to keep in mind for making the most of your current turn, but there are also a few subtle positioning tips that I’ve found help you to plan out a turn or two ahead.

For example, if there are multiple squares that you can make the same attack from, try to pick the square that doesn’t leave you