Brendan Noël

Oh man, I forgot about NBC's first green week. I remember the "Journeyman" episode that week had like one throwaway recycling reference from Kevin McKidd and it was in a total "ugh, can you believe they're making us do this" delivery. "Survivor Man" is a pretty weak early-era Office episode, but "Greenzo" probably

Those don't count. We mean when NBC used to do "hurricane night" or "power outage night" on Must See Thursday. Or that weird TGIF night when the cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch sent all the shows back in time to different decades.

I'm such a Mike Heck-esque robot emotionally, but damn if Murray and Adam hugging didn't make me tear up.

As evidenced by how many MadTV alumni are now proving they're actually funny. "Key and Peele" is great and Arden Myrin kills it every time she's on @midnight.

Never knew it was him before. Now I have to rewatch this episode as if Forrest got a review to "become a Ben Franklin impersonator".

Look ABC, I know you're not pretending (very hard, anyway) that this wasn't an ad for Disney World. But to put two ads for the park right after act breaks is way too obvious.

I listened back to my recording and the audio on "fuck" was definitely dropped. You had to really be listening closely though, the really did manage to basically only drop the "u" sound.

"Meanwhile, there are old scores to settle at the Dell. Scores like 1-0 and 2-2 that have happened in previous years."

Family visits were just an excuse for Jeff Probst to spend 45 minutes telling us how Sprint will save our puppies from burning buildings. They pulled their sponsorship, so they probably won't do them anymore. Also why they dumped the 100k fan favorite award.

I know they're really close in real life. Roommates too, if I recall.

What kind of car has Zeek been working on with the kids? The season finale is called "The Pontiac" and I'm worried we are indeed building to his death as Todd's been predicting.

Grace Florrick would like Low Winter Sun.

Between Shameless and Looking, apparently the only TV couples I ship are gay ones.

Keepin' it caszh.

Got a new job. Traitor.

I will miss David, if only because I really was fascinated by what this show was doing to him psychologically. But Sonia's the best, and once I saw her decide that anyone liking this show meant it was time to shut down the country, I knew everything was gonna be okay.

I would like Grace Florrick to enter the Shameless universe, yes.

I'm sure there are plenty of fan sites out there for you to enjoy.