Brendan McMannis

Those aren't bad things, but you're missing my point.

Whom did she fight, again?

AV Club commenters fail. How did you not post this?

Avatar/Comment irrelevance symmetry.

I know this is going to be unpopular, but Little Lady Mormont irritates the crap out of me.

Well, at least it gets you out in the open air.

Hard to monetize, I bet.

AV Club: Is that how you spell vuvuzela? Well, its not like I'm typing this into some magic box that could easily answer that question, right?

Yeah, its the opposite of the rest of the NFMCU, where (especially Luke Cage) they start great, and then go off the rails.

Do what I do, lower your expectations to the absolute bottom, and everything will be better than you expected.

That will just get you James Woods.

Punisher is profound?

Well, we are in Europe. He may pork her, Rusty.



This should really appeal to the kids.

They're infamous. You know, so famous that they are actually IN the famous.

The Wayans Brothers? There's more of them?

What'd you get at the vegan restaurant?