
Simmons has frequently talked about athletes who rise in popularity and power who do stupid things as being the types of athletes who are never told, “no” by anyone within their inner circle. Which is funny because that’s exactly how I view what’s happened to him. His place as an influential sports personality are

Bomani has a really punchable face.

I paid my electrician $40 to mount my TV above the fireplace and it remains to this day, one of the better $40 purchases I’ve ever made. I am not a manly man. But I’m a calm one with a TV mounted perfectly. Ok with me.

Damn, Derek Fisher STILL won’t give up on the triangle.

Now the Niners have two Colins that stink.

Maron does live reads. So does Carolla. Not sure I see the big deal. It's pretty much the standard in podcasting.

If this is a “scheme” Doug, then seriously, how do you even go shopping for anything? Companies love branding their technology. Walk into any Best Buy (do those still exist?) and every TV box has some variant of, “FlashTech ColorVUE 50000000” technology, which, basically equates to, “This television shows colored

Yeah, I mean, to me it looked like Harper said, “You wanna fucking go?” and that’s when Papelbon’s eyebrows raise and it looks like he says, “Oh, you wanna go?” I really don’t care about either guy but if you’re going to ask a guy if he wants to fight, don’t look so surprised when you get force choked.

Is it me or does it look like Harper said, “you wanna go?”

If each member of the Deadspin staff had to get up on stage and perform a 10-minute set of standup comedy, who does the best, and who bombs?

I meant Manning at 39 like Favre was.

Seeing Manning start to fall apart at age 39 kind of makes you appreciate just how lights out amazing Favre was in 09 at the same age. He fucked it up at the end, yeah, but I’m fairly certain Manning would disintegrate into dust if subjected to the same level of abuse Favre took from the Saints.

This is probably my favorite article I’ve read this week.

I’m with Drew in thinking that 99% of fade routes are stupid but the one Rodgers dropped into Randall Cobb’s lap in Week 1 was like a goddamn smart bomb. I’m admittedly a Packers homer here, but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a quarterback with better accuracy.

Because ticket sales.

I know, I messed up. Sorry.

I don’t think this is the worst idea, actually. If the Browns feel like Manziel can be good but that he needs coaching, more practice, more tweaks to his mechanics and footwork, there’s no need to say, “yep, he’s good” after two solid starts.

My big issue with the movie wasn’t so much the focus on the characters, but how little it showed the effect the mountain had on those characters. The two instances - Beck losing his sight and Andy taking his clothes off only to slip and fall - were interesting, but I would have liked to see more creativity - either in

Is there any way I can parlay this into a better price on a Golf R? Probably not. I want a Golf R.

I won’t spoil the first two parts but remind me about the Taiwanese and SA guides. Been awhile since I read the book