
“I’m Kobe Bryant of McCann Ericksen”

Gotta hand it to him, Kobe’s doing a really good imitation of MJ.

That’s so awesome because it’s almost certainly true.

I know they’re arch-rivals, but Adrian Peterson could probably show Aaron Rodgers how to swing a stick.

Holy crap. Engine issues in just TWO percent of Land Cruisers with over 180k miles.

How many bottles of vodka is Simmons through watching this draft coverage?

That would actually be kind of fun just ONCE per year.

That’s kind of it. It felt really scripted. Doug’s a solid writer, but his jokes felt like they should have been followed with a rimshot. Also, Travis looked really constipated, which didn’t help things.

The “What car should I buy” video was hugely uncomfortable. I get it though, being on camera is tough.

I think leadership is important on a team - even if it’s in a babysitting/ego-stroking manner that so many (especially NBA coaches) fall into. But the fact that LeBron treats Blatt like shit makes them both look bad. Blatt for looking sack-less. And LeBron for commandeering the ship that, while he may be more

I honestly can’t believe the whole room didn’t start laughing at that.

There are plenty of IS300’s around 13-15k (with that low of mileage) for sale that DON’T have a Supra drivetrain. I say nice price.

I recently moved to Missouri and I feel totally confident that this happened here.

Really enjoyed this. You can nitpick analogies made about Smith all you want but I think that totally misses the point. He’s an enigma, which makes him, IMO, fun as hell to root for. The last two NBA Finals were - in the conventional definition of how basketball is played - some of the most perfectly executed games

Really enjoy mine. 2010 Anniversary Edition - because Monaco red leather.

On the plus side, we’ll actually get to SEE the hard hat and lunchpail JJ Watt shows up with everyday.

Totally agree. There’s a classic elegance to the 599 the F12 just doesn’t have.

Love these, but if I could afford one, I don’t think I could get over the fact that 90% of people would mistake it for a new Corvette.

But did Goodell let Kraft have a slice of pizza?

You think people are persuaded to watch football by ads? Noon on Sunday is pretty easy to remember.