
To be fair, those guys all have prior incidents, but I get (and agree) with what you’re saying.

I always thought she looked and acted incredibly fake going back to her WaPo days. Good to have confirmation.

Some shithead salesman tried pulling the same shit on me with an EVO. A Lancer!! Made by a fledgling company! I told him I wasn’t interested in buying a car I can’t drive (I even said I wasn’t concerned with the performance, I just wanted to see how it rode) and left. Two months later, dude called me asking if I was

Disagree about the styling. That thing looks like a Pontiac Aztek got plastic surgery. And a botched one at that.

Brandon Bostick/Packers onside kick debacle circa, three months ago....

Golf R, Focus RS and Civic Type-R announced in one year. Paul Walker’s pulling some strings for us up in heaven.

I like everything before the break. It's cleaner, copy is more legible, sub-nav is well placed and the 'favorites' sidebar is a nice touch. Everything after is a shitshow, though. I really dislike endless scroll and everything seems just kind of tossed about. It's like cleaning your room by piling everything

"Ignoring how media shaped his image"

End of an era. I hate change.

It looks like a Mustang had an allergic reaction.

Is that a Lake Elsinore Storm hat behind him? If so, this picture is even more awesome.

I think Simmons' direct work has fallen a bit over the years, but for some reason he seems like he'd be a good boss to work for.

"Overthinking" is just a synonym for a temporary loss in confidence, IMO. Which, is a real thing.

I love Clarkson but that guy has one of the most punchable faces of anyone on TV. What I'd give for him to take a swing at me.

Me and three teammates in high school were playing 2-on-2 after a light practice one day. I was 6'1 and in good shape but was easily one of the two or three least athletic people on the team. My only saving grace was my jump shot that, due to years of getting volley ball spiked by taller, more athletic dudes, had

I'm sure he'll do great. Lots of teams build Super Bowl winners via free agency.

Now playing

Reminds me a LITTLE of this great R8 spot from years ago. Not as dramatic, but still elegant and a great line:

