Brendan Routh

Reminder that ☠️ is media preservation

Is Dmann going to have Ellie drop a thermobaric bomb on a refugee camp or something?

Everything they say about this game makes me want to play it less and less lol

So optimization in AAA games is basically dead right? Awesome

Every day I learn about a new Twitch Guy I’ve never heard of before who is apparently the most popular man ever

Yeah except Doom Eternal wasn’t about a real guy who built a doomsday machine that killed 250,000 real people and gave entire communities of Hispanics and Native Americans endemic intergenerational cancer and chronic health problems. Not surprised though. If there’s one thing Americans love it’s not taking our evil

Guy whose job is to sell Fortnite skins to kids and be as inoffensively mass marketable as possible: I can't believe I'm being canceled for my opinions on the Transgender Question

I am once again asking where this kid's fucking parents are.

Lol and how has that gone for you BioWare

I think this guy and the Polygon guy saying David needed to be more morally complex should kiss

Developer Infinity Ward's enthusiastic stance on all of America's wars past and its explicit, heavily-documented ties to the American government, including taking funding from the US military to make their games more effective at recruiting gullible teenagers to join the army, are suspect. Nevertheless, we will

I sincerely hope we hold US studios to the same standard the next time the US decides to destroy some country in the name of freedom and democracy.

So are you guys ever going to get over your weird reactionary obsession with a new art tool existing and write about video games again?

I hope they fire your ass for this fr

Hey Luke why did you compare this AI art shit to the literal Holocaust on Twitter

So in other words artists can now opt out of letting their art be used for AI training for both commercial and non-commercial reasons and their permission is explicitly required for AI creators to use their work, and this is bad somehow because ArtStation hasn’t joined the Butlerian Jihad outright and purged the site

Going to be honest a lot of your guys’ alarmism around AI to me sounds like a backdoor argument for stronger IP/copyright laws or NFT-esque blockchains to “protect” images but it’s okay this time because it’s for Small Artists and not Big Corporations (a distinction that does not legally exist). I mean, you positively

My only point was treating supporting the Hong Kong protests as a necessary and sufficient condition for not being a right-winger is obviously incorrect.

If for no other reason you should take these "articles" down because they're about minor whose privacy has been blown out the window and whose parents are apparently nowhere in sight

Calling Bill Clinton a rabbi *is* the punchline to the audience the "joke" was intended for