Brendan Foley

Which is one of the very few changes the Coen's made from the book. In the book, she calls the flip wrong and gets killed. Her refusing to play turns Chigurh's final accident into a sort of cosmic retribution, something Cormac McCarthy would never write in a million years.

House on the Rock was going to be the finale, but they realized they wouldn't have the time/money to do it justice and postponed it to the opening of season 2.

I think the reveal of what is in The Vault is ultimately going to be much less important than the nature of The Doctor's vow and why he would willingly subject himself to decades of linear life (which prior Doctor's have established as being more or less living hell) to protect it.

The trailer shows war heroes being 'honored' by sexualized halftime dances and fireworks. Not sure how that's not satirical.

Yes, and FX quickly burned through the entire stock with barely promoted, almost-nightly airings. They clearly deeply regretted the project and tried to unload it as quickly as possible.

My mistake, the female lead's name is actually Smoking Fox.

"relatively good-natured attitude toward its Native American characters"

The final season was one of their best! (By 'final season' I mean the last season with regular cast. Never bothered with the med-school spin-off)

How dare you besmirch the legacy of SCRUBS.

He's still just blaming the audience though. What he's basically saying is that if those punks on the message boards hadn't given the game away, then STiD's 'twist' would have worked. No one is still willing to own that bringing back Khan and essentially remaking WRATH OF KHAN as their third act was a fucking

By saying a true fact about what the guy did?

Hard to blame him for that, as he stayed with the movie for something like a decade before finally jumping ship. It just so happened that when Spielberg was FINALLY set to make it, the schedule didn't work.

That AND he threw away the Jaguar account she whored herself for AND his presence (seems to) endanger the entire firm, a place where Joan has never once felt secure. He's a walking calamity and while we, the audience, know that he has recognized his mistakes and is making a genuine attempt to do better, Joan has no